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Divorce can be painful, but you don’t have to suffer unnecessarily.
I offer resourceful problem-solving, realistic legal strategies and strong support.



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Rabbinic Court Litigation


Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

I strongly advise that you use mediation to settle your differences. There are going to be some big changes in your life. My role as your mediator is to negotiate a divorce agreement that both minimizes the collateral damage to you and your family and gives you a chance to rebuild your life.

When litigation is necessary, I’ll fiercely advocate for your rights and needs in Rabbinic Court.  My deep understanding of the halachic intricacies, and the nuances of the way the Bet HaDin works will get you through this challenging phase of your life, allowing you to move forward. 

In my experience, both prenuptial and postnuptial agreements encourage open communication which is a must for a healthy marriage. Having those difficult discussions when you’re in love and feeling trust for your future or current spouse, helps contribute to greater long-term marital stability.


A toenet rabbanit (rabbinic advocate) is a legal representative similar to a lawyer, who works exclusively in the rabbinic courts. I represent my clients in divorce and post divorce issues, as well as prenups and postnups, and inheritances. I make every effort, however, to steer clear of court conflicts and prioritize mediation in order to reach an agreement.

Divorce will always be painful but there is far too much unnecessary suffering going on in the process. After going through my own divorce, I wanted to use my experience to help others stay focused, be true to their goals and not get sucked into the emotional traps of waging a war.

We all need to feel listened to and validated, especially during a divorce. I help my clients clarify what they need, and encourage them to stay focused on what is important in their lives. I don’t let them get carried away into meaningless wars but, I also don’t let them give up so fast. My goal is to help create a balance which reflects their values and their needs. I work together with my clients to develop  good, realistic strategies and I offer lots of support.

While I strongly advise mediation as the best way to settle differences (it’s a gentler way to create a comprehensive divorce agreement), it may not always be possible. In these situations I litigate for my clients in the rabbinic courts, ensuring that their voices are heard and their interests are protected.


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Reach out for a free consultation

I will contact you within one business day. In our 1/2 hour complimentary discussion, you’ll share the details of your situation and we’ll discuss the best legal strategy to help you move forward.

HaNasi 3 , Tzfat, Israel

Israel 054 798 5733

USA 845 400 1009

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